Research & Lab

  1. All Kinds of Raw materials Analysis-Moisture, Fat, Acidity, pH, TA, Protein, Ash, Microbiological, Heavy Metal.
  2. Packing Materials Test
  3. Ingredients Test-Aroma, Color, Odor, Taste, Melting Point
  4. Finished Goods Test- Moisture, Rancidity, Acidity, pH, Ash, Protein etc.
  5. Market Sample Analysis-Moisture, Rancidity, Acidity, pH, Ash, Protein etc. 
  6. Heavy Metal Test-From abroad Europe, India
  7. Pesticides Residue Test-From abroad Europe, India
  8. Market Research and Data Analysis of Food Products
  9. All types of Products Developments 
  10. Microbiological Test-TPC, TBP, Coliform, Salmonella, Yeast, Moulds etc