
Our Services

  1. Management Consultancy
  2. Project Management Consultancy
  3. Internal Audit Service
  4. Compliance Documents Preparation
  5. All Compliance Training
  6. Fire Safety Compliance Training
  7. Product Conformance Testing Laboratory
  8. Product Development Facility
  9. Market Research & Data Analysis
  10. Marketing, Brand Promotion
Food Products Development in self Laboratory with Quality Assurance Testing Services
  1. All Kinds of Raw materials Analysis-Moisture, Fat, Acidity, pH, TA, Protein, Ash, Microbiological, Heavy Metal.
  2. Packing Materials Test
  3. Ingredients Test-Aroma, Color, Odor, Taste, Melting Point
  4. Finished Goods Test- Moisture, Rancidity, Acidity, pH, Ash, Protein etc.
  5. Market Sample Analysis-Moisture, Rancidity, Acidity, pH, Ash, Protein etc. 
  6. Heavy Metal Test-From abroad Europe, India
  7. Pesticides Residue Test-From abroad Europe, India
  8. Market Research and Data Analysis of Food Products
  9. All types of Products Developments 
  10. Microbiological Test-TPC, TBP, Coliform, Salmonella, Yeast, Moulds etc